This means we need to be ready to meet these women and men with compassion, hope, and help. In today’s session, we will learn about the spiritual consequences of abortion from Linda Cochrane. Linda has served women and men dealing with the emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences of abortion and written of her own abortion experience in the book Forgiven and Set Free. This worksheet will help you as you follow along with her story.
Preview of the Next Lesson
Do you ever wonder if you are qualified to be a Life Disciple? Next session we will address common qualification concerns and learn why we can all empower women and men facing pregnancy decisions. You won’t want to miss it!
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I keep thinking about what Jeanneane Maxon told us in the last session: Even if we succeed at overturning Roe v. Wade in the courts, many states will still offer legal abortion and many women and men will still face unplanned pregnancies. Even if abortion were made illegal, the long-term effects on those who have had abortions will also continue. The need for Life Disciples is not contingent on successful litigation, but remains no matter the actions of courts and legislatures.
Do you know of someone who may need to experience God’s forgiveness or healing from because of a previous abortion? Do you know the name of the closest pregnancy center to you? If so, list it below (if you need help finding one close to you – CLICK HERE).