“Permission is the foundation of your ministry as a life disciple.” 

As Eve so eloquently put it, we will never be successful Life Disciples if we don’t ask permission before offering help. We live in a time when everyone on TV seems incapable of compassionate engagement. When we take the time to ask permission, we show that we care about women and men, not just their pregnancy decisions. We also imitate Christ’s ministry in the New Testament.

This sort of engagement requires humility. Today, the Executive Director of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Coastal Georgia, Patrick Eades, will teach us the four essential traits of a Life Disciple. His video will challenge us to realign our goals so that they better meet the expectations of those we serve.

This worksheet will help you with this lesson.  

Preview of the Next Lesson 

What key biblical values should govern our work as Life Disciples? Join me in the next session to find out! It will also be our last session of Pro-Life 101.