Sanctity of Human Life Toolkit

As we strive to deepen our understanding and advocacy for the sanctity of human life, our 2025 Sanctity of Human Life Toolkit is designed to guide your church through three transformative actions: Elevate, Engage, and Empower.

Elevate Jesus: Centering on the cornerstone of our faith, this toolkit helps you lift His message of love and life in your congregations, emphasizing His vision for every human story.

Engage with Community Stories: Instead of providing stories, we encourage you to discover them within your own community. This toolkit guides your church in connecting with local pregnancy centers to uncover and share these powerful narratives, strengthening ties and understanding within your community.

Empower with Action: We offer practical steps for your community to make a tangible impact, from volunteering at local centers to engaging in meaningful advocacy, truly living out the Gospel’s call to cherish every life.

Join us in sifting through the chaos to focus on what truly matters. This toolkit isn’t just resources—it’s a roadmap to actively building a culture of life through faith, hope, and love in action.

Elevate Jesus

  • John 10:10 – “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” This verse highlights Jesus’s purpose of giving life, emphasizing its value and abundance.
  • Psalm 139:13-16 – These verses celebrate God’s intimate creation process in the womb, affirming the sanctity and intentionality behind each life.
  • Luke 1:41-44 – The joy Elizabeth and her unborn child, John, feel upon Mary’s greeting underscores the recognition of life and the presence of Jesus even from the womb.
  • Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you…” This passage speaks to the foreknowledge and purpose God has for each life before birth, aligning closely with the concept of the sanctity of life.

Engage With Stories in Your Community

  • Testimony Nights: Host special events where individuals can share their personal stories related to life decisions, such as choosing life in difficult circumstances, experiences at the pregnancy center, or the healing found through the Gospel from a past abortion. These events can be powerful in illustrating the impact of supporting life. It is important to recognize the heaviness of nights like this and to create space for folks to prepare and understand the goal of these nights. 
  • Feature Stories in Church Bulletins/Announcements: Regularly feature testimonies or stories from the local pregnancy center in the church bulletin or regular announcements. This keeps the congregation engaged and informed about the real-life impacts of their support and prayers. This is also a great opportunity to promote upcoming Making Life Disciples studies and/or Abortion Recovery and Care studies. 
  • Video Testimonials: Create short testimonies featuring stories from the community or congregation members who have been impacted by the church’s abundant life ministries. These can be shown during services or shared on the church’s social media to reach a wider audience. These do not have to be professionally recorded. Videos recorded on phones or even via Zoom have proven to be very effective. 
  • Life Sundays: Dedicate certain Sundays to celebrate life, incorporating live or recorded testimonies into the service. This could also include guest speakers from the pregnancy center who share stories of how the center’s work has changed lives.

Empower With Action

Other Helpful Resources

Important Dates

  • Sanctity of Human Life Month…January 2025
  • March for Life in Washington DC…January 24, 2025
  • Sanctity of Human Life Sunday…January 19, 2025
  • State Marches

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