We have arrived at our final lesson. I don’t know about you, but I loved the last session with Patrick Eades. I copied down a few quotes that I have been thinking about as I prepared for today’s session.
“Be true, but don’t spew!”
“A goal is an objective under your control. A desire is an objective that you want but you cannot reach through your own effort.”
“Receive people as they are, not as we want them to be.”
As Life Disciples, we need to demonstrate compassion and grace to those we serve. Our model is Christ. I am thankful that I do not need to rely on my own strength in these hard conversations, but can reach out to the Holy Spirit. Today, Patrick will wrap up our course by reminding us of some key biblical values that should govern our work.
This worksheet will help you with this video. While Patrick’s talk will be short, he will share some powerful truths for us to consider.
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This is the final video in the ProLife 101 course. Complete the feedback below and we’ll send you two additional videos along with short survey questions to help us better understand how we can help support your efforts to bring this life-affirming ministry to your church and local community.
How can we help you to bring this type of training to your local church?