Making Life Disciples Course
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Here are all twelve video sessions for the course
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Course Videos
Session 1
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session One “Gear Up” section in the course guide. Thank you for joining us, friend! You’re embarking on a twelve-week journey to become a special kind of first responder in your church and community. Women and men are facing pregnancy decisions all around us, and while there are many ways to engage with the issue of abortion, God has given us the solution: discipleship.
Session 2
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Two “Gear Up” section in the course guide. In this session, you’ll gain some vital background information on the history of legalized abortion in America. You’ll also learn about the spiritual consequences of abortion and why the church must see abortion not only as a cultural issue, but ultimately as a heart issue.
Session 3
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Three “Gear Up” section in the course guide. The fact that you’re on this twelve-week journey with us shows you understand that the topic of abortion calls for special training. However, as we cover important topics like permission-based care, we also want to help you overcome any paralyzing concerns about your qualifications. Compassion and dedication will be most important, and if you ever feel overwhelmed, remember that if God has called you to this ministry, He will equip you!
Session 4
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Four “Gear Up” section in the course guide. Abortion intervention ministry is Gospel ministry. The Good News of Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives and choices, including pregnancy decisions. Even when serving those within your own church, your commitment to share the Gospel will ensure that you are as effective as possible when ministering to people in need.
Session 5
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Five “Gear Up” section in the course guide. This session will give you a window into the world of people facing pregnancy decisions. You’ll learn about the emotions of fear, confusion, worthlessness, anger, guilt, and joy, as well as the pressures that can come from people, circumstances, and culture. You’ll see the unique perspectives of expectant mothers and fathers, and what they have in common, all of which will better equip you to serve them as individuals and as a couple.
Session 6
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Six “Gear Up” section in the course guide. Your ability to listen well as a Life Disciple is essential. This session will help you live out the four traits we covered in Session 3 – Authenticity, Acceptance, Humility, and Empathy – through verbal and nonverbal communication. You’ll learn about active and interpretative listening and how to ask good questions.
Session 7
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Seven “Gear Up” section in the course guide. This week you’ll learn about the difference between confrontation—which few of us enjoy—and “care-frontation.” You’ll also learn about the tough situations you might see as a Life Disciple, leading to a discussion of “compassion fatigue.”
Session 8
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read Session Eight “Gear Up” section in the course guide. Of all the resources that people considering abortion might need, compassionate care is first and foremost. But, in order to make an informed decision, people considering abortion also need to know about the medical side of abortion procedures, and their associated risks. In this session, you’ll gain medical knowledge about pregnancy and abortion and learn the important difference between medical advice (which you cannot offer) and medical information (which you can).
Session 9
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read the Session Nine “Gear Up” section in the course guide. Of all the resources that people considering abortion might need, compassionate care is first and foremost. But, in order to make an informed decision, people considering abortion also need to know about the medical side of abortion procedures, and their associated risks. In this session, you’ll gain medical knowledge about pregnancy and abortion and learn the important difference between medical advice (which you cannot offer) and medical information (which you can).
Session 10
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read the Session Ten “Gear Up” section in the course guide. You have taken in a tremendous amount of information throughout this training. At this point, you likely have a much greater understanding of the issue of abortion and the people you’ll be serving in this mission field. However, it’s possible you might still feel overwhelmed at the thought of actually sitting down with someone to offer compassion, hope, and help during their pregnancy decision, especially the help part.
Session 11
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read the Session Eleven “Gear Up” section in the course guide. One of the most valuable things you can offer anyone in crisis is the ability to see options. This means that when you’re helping someone who is considering abortion, it’s important to have a working knowledge of their alternatives. This session will cover parenting options and what they might entail for those you serve. Keep in mind, however, that a flippant suggestion of marriage or the life-long journey of parenting might be the last thing someone will appreciate. The key here is to help them explore their options with empathy, empowering them to make the best decisions. Life Disciples also have the ability to walk alongside people through the long-term difficulties of each life-affirming choice.
Session 12
Start this week’s lesson with a time of prayer then read the Session Twelve “Gear Up” section in the course guide. This last session shares two incredible testimonies. One will inspire you with the power of adoption. Adoption can be a beautiful option for people facing unplanned pregnancy. Note: talking about adoption with people facing unplanned pregnancy requires great care, so please visit for best practices and helpful tools. The second testimony in today’s video demonstrates the power of restoration. Both stories show the kind of impact that even one life saved from abortion can have. Thank you for completing this video course, we’d love to hear your feedback on this brief survey.
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